Best preschool and daycare in Guwahati

Why Peekaboo is one of the best preschool and daycare in Guwahati

We are considered as one of the best preschools and daycare in Guwahati for several reasons. Firstly we offer a safe, welcoming, and nurturing environment that promotes the physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development of young children. Secondly, we have experienced, highly qualified, and passionate teachers and staff who use innovative and age-appropriate teaching methods and strategies to engage children in meaningful and fun learning experiences. Additionally, we provide a well-rounded and comprehensive curriculum that includes academic subjects, creative arts, physical activity, and social skills development. Furthermore, we offer a range of programs and services to meet the diverse needs and interests of families, such as extended hours, nutritious meals, and extracurricular activities. Overall, our play school is considered as one of the best preschool and daycare centers as we are committed to providing high-quality education and care that sets children up for future success in school and life.

Why Us?

  1. Experienced and qualified staff: A high-quality preschool or daycare should have trained and experienced teachers who are passionate about early childhood education and development.
  2. Safe and nurturing environment: Parents look for a safe and nurturing environment that fosters their child’s growth and development.
  3. Play-based learning approach: A good preschool should focus on play-based learning, which helps children develop social, emotional, and cognitive skills in a fun and engaging way.
  4. Parental involvement: Good communication between parents and teachers is essential to creating a positive and supportive learning environment.
  5. Positive reviews and feedback from parents: Positive reviews and feedback from parents are a good indicator of a quality preschool or daycare.

Peekaboo, has these qualities and provides a high-quality learning experience for children and is considered as one of the best preschools and daycares in Guwahati.

Why Parents’ Relationship with Kids is crucial?

The parent-child relationship is an important aspect of a child’s development, and it can play a significant role in how children adjust to play school. Here are a few things to keep in mind about the parent-child relationship in the context of play school:

Trust: Parents need to trust the teachers and staff at the play school to take good care of their children. It’s important for parents to communicate with teachers and staff to build a trusting relationship and to ensure that the child’s needs are being met.

Communication: Communication between parents and teachers is essential to building a positive relationship. Parents should be encouraged to ask questions, voice concerns, and share information about their child’s development.

Involvement: Parents who are involved in their child’s preschool experience can help strengthen the parent-child relationship. This can involve participating in school events, volunteering, and staying up-to-date on their child’s progress.

Consistency: Children thrive on routine and consistency. Parents who establish consistent routines at home can help their children feel more comfortable and secure in the play school environment.

Understanding: Finally, it’s important for parents to understand that their child is going through a big transition when starting play school. This can be a difficult time for both the child and the parent, and it’s important to be patient and supportive throughout the process.

Overall, the parent-child relationship can play a vital role in a child’s experience at play school. By building trust, maintaining communication, being involved, establishing consistency, and understanding the child’s needs, parents can help create a positive and supportive learning environment for their child, and Peekaboo is proud to say that we stand by all the above. 

How to become friends with your child

Becoming friends with your child is a gradual process that requires patience, understanding, and good communication. Here are some tips that may help you build a strong and healthy friendship with your child:

Spend quality time together: Set aside time each week to do something fun and enjoyable together, whether it’s playing a game, taking a walk, or doing an activity your child loves.

Listen to your child: Show your child that you value their thoughts and opinions by actively listening to them. When your child speaks, make eye contact, ask questions, and respond in a positive and supportive way.

Be open and honest: Share your thoughts and feelings with your child in a way that is appropriate for their age and level of understanding. This can help build trust and encourage your child to share their own thoughts and feelings with you.

Respect your child’s boundaries: Remember that your child is an individual with their own personality and preferences. Respect their boundaries and allow them to express themselves in their own way.

Encourage independence: Allow your child to make their own decisions and take risks within safe and reasonable limits. This can help build their confidence and show them that you trust and support them.

Show affection: Hugs, kisses, and other forms of physical affection can help strengthen your bond with your child and show them that you love and care for them.

Remember that building a friendship with your child takes time and effort, but it can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience for both you and your child.

How PAB lays the foundation of a strong education 

Play schools can provide a strong foundation for education by focusing on the following aspects:

Play-based learning: Play-based learning is an effective way to help young children learn and develop skills. By incorporating play into the curriculum, play schools can make learning fun and engaging for children.

Early literacy and numeracy: Play schools can help children develop early literacy and numeracy skills by introducing them to basic concepts such as letters, numbers, shapes, and colors. Teachers can use interactive activities and games to help children learn these skills.

Social and emotional development: Play schools can help children develop social and emotional skills by providing opportunities for them to interact with other children and adults in a supportive and nurturing environment. Teachers can help children learn how to express their emotions, communicate effectively, and build positive relationships with others.

Creativity and imagination: Play schools can encourage creativity and imagination by providing opportunities for children to explore their interests and express themselves through art, music, and other creative activities.

Language development: Play schools can help children develop language skills by exposing them to a rich language environment and providing opportunities for them to communicate with others. Teachers can use songs, stories, and games to help children learn new words and phrases.

By focusing on these aspects, Peekaboo lays a foundation for a strong education and helps children develop the skills they need to succeed in school and in life.

Why parents love Peekaboo..!

Parents may love our play school for a variety of reasons, including the quality of care and education provided, the safe and nurturing environment, the experienced and dedicated teachers and staff, and the focus on child-centered learning and development. They may appreciate the personalized attention given to their child, the opportunities for socialization and play-based learning, and the open and effective communication between parents and teachers. Additionally, they may value the use of technology and modern teaching methods, as well as the emphasis on creativity, independence, and self-expression. Overall, parents may love our play school because it provides a high-quality and enriching early childhood education experience that meets the unique needs and interests of their child while fostering a love of learning that will last a lifetime.